Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New baby = LOVE

New baby Chard and her sisters.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Keeley's 4th Birthday

So the pictures are a bit out of order, mostly because I haven't blogged for so long. Keeley's 4th birthday party was so much fun. We had it at Little Scoops in Clackamas. The kids had a lot of fun dancing to Doodlebops music, playing games, eating pizza and eating ice cream. Keeley got to do a hand print on the wall. She was so excited that she got to use pink paint.

Ice cream sundaes at the end. The kids were just told that they ran out of all the regular flavors and only have vegetable ice cream. Their reactions were so funny. What cute little friends!

Keeley waiting for her chocolate ice cream

Pizza party

Under the parachute

My sweet little girl

Keeley and Kiera like to dance

Future rock star

Here's my pink paint

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tulip Festival 2009

We went to the tulip festival two times this year.  The first time was the Saturday before Easter because they were having an Easter egg hunt.  There weren't too many tulips out yet, so stay tuned for another blog entry for those pictures, but these are pretty great too!

I love Kyle's photography!

Mom and I

My sweet, big girl, Keeley.  We have gone to the Tulip festival every year since she has been with us.  It is fun to get a picture of her in the flowers every year.  She was a lot of fun there this year because she is just loving life and is so excited by everything.  It is amazing and wonderful to be able to watch her grow.

This is baby Kiera's 2nd year at the tulip festival.  She is equally amazing and a joy to be around.  She loves to be with her big sister and they love playing together.  

It breaks my heart they are just too cute!

Waiting for the hunt to begin.  Keeley understood the concept, but Kiera just ran up to the eggs and looked at them.  I put one in her basket and took her to another egg and she picked it up.  She was getting the hang of it and then all the eggs were gone but she did get 5 or so,  Keeley got a whole bunch!

please ignore this picture.... not sure how to remove it from the blog!!

Just us girls!

"Show us your eggs!"  Kiera said no.

Isn't she adorable!

The fun cow train ride.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Easter a little late

I think I got these a bit out of order but that is ok.  I'm obviously very behind on blogging too.  This was the last picture taken on Easter.  Cousin Nick was a great sport and hung out with Keeley all night!   They played and played and this was them settling down to watch the movie Bolt!

Kiera got markers for Easter.  Need I say more?

On our way to church

Family portraits

Kiera wanted both bunnies!

Keeley's new thing is wearing swim suits all the time.  I try to explain that there is a time and a place for them, but she really doesn't care!

Saturday before Easter we hung out at my mom's after going to the Tulip Festival.  It was a lot of fun coloring Easter eggs and just hanging out

Gaga and Grandpa Tall

Sunday, May 3, 2009

April 2009 beach trip

We went to the beach on a Saturday in April sort of on a whim.  Just decided to go on Wednesday!  It was a great time although Kiera wasn't feeling well most of the time with a really high fever.  She was a real trooper though.  Sitka loved the beach but still isn't great on the leash and was pulling like crazy!

Sure, I'll hold everyone!

At pig and pancake

I love this face!

From the roof of our hotel....Kyle is a great photographer!

I really got into the sandcastle making!